Monday, March 14, 2011

WOW it's been a long time since I posted! I actually forgot my password! sorry guys. I just didn't have enough time.
here is a latin derivative story that I made in latin class. Yes, I take latin classes already, but my school is called Washington LATIN public charter school, so, I get to learn latin. Well i don't GEt to, I have to. Anyway,

My uncle used to be an obstetrician, but every time he delivered, he vomited because it was so gross. He decided to quit and join a fraternity protesting obstetricians, but they wouldn’t let him join because he used to be an obstetrician. So he disguised as a teenage girl and joined a sorority. The meetings were in a vomitorium and he barfed every time they talked about delivering, which made all of the people eating get sick, so the sorority kicked him out. He said “lets fraternize about this”, but that revealed his true gender. That was when he realized the gravity of his situation. He had no job! That’s why my uncle is a hobo.

Try and find the derivatives!

Please reply with them!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dear young readers,

my friends and I have found a very cool website, called sploder. on this website, you can
create your own game! one of my games is called "escape the fortress". Here is a link to it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Space Mountain

“Whoosh!” A blast of air made Mike shiver, as the next cart zoomed away into the darkness. He gulped as he moved up the line. His little sister Katrina broke the silence. “I’m boooored!” she said. “Hey Mikey, what time is it?” she asked for the hundredth time. Mike showed her his watch, but remained silent. “OMG!” Katrina yelled. “It’s been almost an hour and a half!” “Quiet!” said Mike’s older brother Sam. “It’s already really loud. I’ll bet if it wasn’t so loud here, they could of [sic] heard you in Epcot! Hey, look! We’re next!” Sure enough, Mike did not see many people in front of him. Then he finally spoke. “Could I skip this?” “Mikey, We’re almost there!” said Katrina. “You’re such a scaredy-cat!”

Mike knew she was right. She was eight, he was ten. She was not afraid of ghosts, he looked under his bed for them, just in case. For him, this moment would go on the top of the scary list: going on Space Mountain without parents!

Just then, a cart screeched to a stop in front of him. The bars squealed as they popped up. The people ahead of him got on and Mike gulped again. When he was next, he noticed that there was only one spot left. He backed up and bumped into Sam.

“Go on,” said the seating assistant. Mike slowly stepped toward the cart. Once he was on, the bars went around him. He saw Katrina and Sam get on another cart. As the cart went through a brightly lit tunnel, a voice spoke through a speaker: “3…2…1…LIFT-OFF!” Just then, the tunnel turned red, and the cart zoomed into action. Mike tried to scream, but nothing came out. Just then, he felt good. As the cart zoomed along, he smiled. “I’ll bet Katrina is screaming right now,” he thought. Then he laughed, as the coaster sped ahead.

“Can we go again?!” Mike asked when the ride was over. Katrina looked sick. “Please, no! Ugh! I wish the world would just stop spinning!” she said. Sam and Mike exchanged looks and laughed.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm sorry that I rarely make posts anymore. Therefore, I am making today,DOUBLE-JOKE-DAY!!!!!

1. baby snake:Are we poisonous?
mama snake:No. Why?
baby snake:Because I just bit my tongue

2.what did the electron say to the bully when it pushed him?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Joke Day

I'd just like to tell you that, from now on I'll try to have some jokes every Wednesday, which means more posts!  

One day there was a family of three people,
a baby, a mom and a dad.
So the family was in a plane that only had two parachutes.
Suddenly both the engines on the plane spontaneously combusted!
The parents jumped out of the plane with the two parachutes, leaving their baby behind. 
When they landed they got in a cab and went home.
When they got into their room there was the baby sitting on the couch.  The dad asked the baby
"How did you get here so early?" The baby answered:"Me no baby, me no dumb.I hold on to daddys bum.daddy go "ppppbbbfff" I go zoom That's how I got home so soon."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

First try Second try
(Finally, a cyclops!)
Here are more freaky pictures!